My First Anderson Comment!
I got my first post on a blog by Anderson!!! *fangirl squee*
Anderson, it is a truly horrendous world to live in where an innocent child can be violated in such a way. I hope that the work you are doing in Congo and the team is doing in Darfur exposing all of the heinous crimes being committed against our fellow human beings will inspire the world to act on a massive scale. Today is DarfurFast, an international day where people may give up an item of luxury and donate the money they save to a charity working in Darfur. We all must do our part to help these people. Thank you for your work, thank you for keeping us informed and showing us what is really happening.
Posted By Chelsea, Halifax, Nova Scotia : 12:58 PM ET
Bless you for your concern for Darfur.
Several of us have decided to begin a RESCUE DARFUR FAST. One of us began 5 days ago, and several others today. Links below for the details.
Nothing less than a worldwide fast-until-the-genocide-stops will be enough to stop it.
Nothing less will be a sufficient moral response.
Nothing less will preserve our humanity, yours and mine.
Please consider linking here to increase the visibility of this effort.
Jay McGinley
Day 134 Darfur Vigil at White House; Day 68 Rescue Darfur Fast (since July 4, 2006)
DARFUR Dying for Heroes (you would find this a helpful resource)
Stand With Darfur-White House II
Please consider linking here to increase the visibility of this effort.
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