Saturday, September 30, 2006

I've been blogged again!

My second comment posted on the 360 blog, partially in response to a comment before mine. Again, it wasn't an Anderpost, but it was about Darfur.

It is too bad that this is all getting in the way of CNN covering the horror in Darfur first hand. The political posteuring on part of the Sudanese government is a convenient excuse so they don't have to let anyone in that may be able to get the message to a huge audience. On another note, I'd like to point out that the genodice in Darfur is not, in fact, Islam-led. It is ethnically based off of territorial disputes between the Arab and African tribes in the area. It is the Arab-led government and janjaweed that is causing this atrocity, not Islam. Islam has a bad enough wrap as it is, no need to make it worse through misinformation.
Posted By Chelsea, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : 5:49 PM ET


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