Saturday, September 16, 2006

I've been blogged!

I have made my first ever comment on the 360 blog to be posted! It wasn't an Anderpost, but still, it's an incredibly important topic to me.

I'm so glad that 360 decided to take on this story when no one else in the media will. It truly is tragic that it requires the invovlement of a celebrity in order to gain the attention of normal people, people who have an obligation to try to protect those who have no protection. Every time something like this happens, we say that we will never let it happen again. Yet, here we are, three years into a government supported genocide. Let's not ignore the pleas of George Clooney or Elie Wiesel, like we ignored the pleas of Romeo Dallaire during the genocide in Rwanda. Show your support by wearing a blue hat to signify the blue helmets of the UN on the Global Day for Darfur, September 17.
Posted By Chelsea, Halifax, NS, Canada : 11:15 AM ET


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shelse - we have Anderson to thank for bringing this situation to our attention. He's been covering if for quite awhile, I could be wrong but i think he reported on it even before George Clooney was involved. We have to make sure that we keep talking about so people don't forget.

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That kicks ass, girl. I'm very proud of you, but what else is new...

8:58 PM  

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